MUSQET is building a unified payment terminal for both debit/credit card and Bitcoin payments.
Have you ever tried to pay with BTC, but the staff doesn't know how to use the app?
Not a problem with MUSQET, because the staff will use it every day!
A single device has a lot of potential to reduce friction between the customer and the merchant.
Businesses who start to use MUSQET, will get a dedicated self-custodial Lightning node from Voltage, and MUSQET will handle channels and liquidity for the businesses.
According to MUSQET's website, it takes a 1% transaction fee:.
MUSQET also offers a Bitcoin-only merchant app for web, iOS and Android if a client wants to keep its old payment terminal.
MUSQET is based in the UK and is primarily targeting UK businesses.
Having a unified terminal for both bitcoin and Visa/Mastercard seems to create regulatory issues in some jurisdictions.
Merchants can keep the BTC they receive in their treasury, or in the future convert it to British pounds through an exchange partner.
Other future features will be support for NFC payments with Bolt cards and rings, and e-commerce capabilities.
What do you think about MUSQET? Will a unified payment terminal help boost Bitcoin and Lightning adoption?
Project links: Website X (Twitter) Nostr
Yeah, I reached out to them two weeks ago asking if they'd ship to the US, and found out that this device is mainly for UK users. There's still Bitcoinize for the rest of the world as far as point of sale systems go.
Bitcoinize is only a Bitcoin point-of-sale as far as I understand?
That I'm aware of, yes. I haven' t used it, but it has BTC Pay Server pre-installed, an NFC reader, and a receipt printer.