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Americans will only tolerate so much oligarchy and incompetence until a small band of overachievers will take it upon themselves to disrupt the system and restore the balance so they can once again fulfill their duties.
Love this one.
That was one of the first instances of cancel culture I wanted. The mob mentality is strong.
Cancel culture is now a Frankenstein
I really feel bad for him for holding of his personal views. If someone is very famous or at higher post in a company of repute, he loses everything.
But there are only a few who Rise Again and Brendan is one of them.
His view on gay marriage is not controversial
Most of California voters agreed with him. Prop 8 passed. California voted for hate in 2008.
I agree gay marriage is a farce. They should be civil unions.
I hear people complaining about Twitter or leaving it and I can’t help but wonder if it’s part of anti Elon movement
So what if he gave a trivial contribution to proposition 8 in California
Silicon Valley virtue signaling
But he bounced back with Brave which I use
So much for technology being open minded and tolerant community
Much of Eich’s work revolves around the empowerment of the principled few who can benefit the many. A small group of people built the simple but brilliant tools that we all use in our daily lives, and they did so utilizing technologies designed by an even smaller cohort—composed of people like Eich—for the purpose of constant creation and iteration.