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my favorite japanese singer states in the first line of one of his songs:
"one step at a time, no matter how long it takes."
and i truly believe this is what has been my drive to keep doing what i am doing out here without constantly overthinking things too much. and to stay sane.
i think it's really hard for us to live in the moment, and truly in the moment. we always end up thinking about what was and what could be, but never what is happening right now.
i catch myself doing this all the time. as i have stated a good amount of times already thorughout my posts, i am getting ready to leave my current place of work in japan less than a month in.
is it scary leaving a place of stability and comfort so early on? oh yes, definitely.
is it exciting still to know what is coming in the future? heck yes.
today, my present was these things.
i woke up, talked to my family back at home, and readied myself for a tulip garden outing with one of my friends. i came back to the apartment, talked to my fiance, read a book for a few hours, and went grocery shopping afterward. i intend to cook some good food tonight, and for the rest of the week. and call it a night.
i think living within each day is what is the most important, and it's something which many of us don't mindfully do. the fact of the matter being the past is not our present, and neither is the future. that time is beyond our control, besides now.
yesterday happened, and it has passed.
i have no idea what is coming tomorrow, or all the days leading up to when i move from my current location in japan, but i refuse to let this overtake my mind because i am not there yet.
when we worry too much about things that have happened or have yet to happen, we never really live at all.
i just want you to know that whatever the heck you're going through, as long as you know you're still breathing and here, things are gonna be just fine.
Living this way will also reduce fears about tomorrow. It is definitely one of the must-dos for a calm mind.
Good plan. One step at a time. People tend to get overwhelmed if they try to tackle the entire thing at the same time.
That´s the way to think, people are so immersed in their ego living. Reminds me of the Disney-Pixar movie ¨Soul¨ when one of the characters talks about Normal Living which in the end is to be grateful for all the things life gives you. Enjoy your time!
Step by Step 👉😌 mindset