Today I bring you a set of street photographs with varied themes that capture the essence of life in this city, full of kind and good-hearted people.
The first photo I want to show you was taken because the person caught my eye. It was a man dressed in a suit who was riding a motorcycle. The contrast of these two things caught my eye. Then, when editing the photo, I noticed that the person's face was visible in the mirror, so I decided to zoom in.
The following two photos capture the urban landscape of San Cristóbal, the capital city of Táchira State in Venezuela.
San Cristóbal is a unique city built on top of mountains, which creates a dramatic landscape with frequent uphill and downhill streets.
These characteristics contribute to the city's charm and offer stunning views for residents and visitors alike.
The silhouette of the cross bathed in the warm evening light captivated me.
I hope you enjoyed this photo set. Thank you so much for stopping by.
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0 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 16 Apr
Nice soft lighting!
it is all natural light!
"San Cristóbal is a unique city built on top of mountains, which creates a dramatic landscape with frequent uphill and downhill streets."
That I bet! Must be a pain for bicyclist, though :D
Yeees thats really true!! and for some reason here are A LOT of ciclyst!!
"ciclyst" *Masochists, there FTFY 😉😜