I like the long format possibility! So I'll risk it.. I have some of my texts on a very hidden blog for years, but with no traffic so it doesn't really count as "public". Please note it was originaly written in a different language, so the translation might not be the best. What do you guys think? any important travels of your own you'd like to share?
Travels - Part 1
The knot is big and heavy, folded artfully in on itself, but it is unmasked with mastery and thus loosens the anchor of anguish that imprisons a warrior of the deep seas .. I run along the pontoon to catch the boat which already dances in the torrents, and I find myself breathlessly waving to a future that has lagged behind .. the smell of the sea air is mistaken for the lingering smell of the varnish .. the strong breeze dotted with blue fills my chest with hope and whistles murmurs of peace as it kisses the sails .. the hair in disarray is a wild beast arguing with the wind, stronger and stronger .. the hull slaps the water in a rhythmic gallop, and thus cuts off the silence that prevails .. I gently roll a cigarette, but I don’t light it.. it’s my only lover in this boat, and I play with it between my fingers while I’m drawing ..
“Free ..” I think, drawing minutely a smile of light that overflows ..
the graphite and the paper seem like lovers drawn with impunity from a romantic play .. my sketches come to life in words and I find myself writing to you .. I write to you on paper sheets that the sea will devour without ever returning to land because I ask it not to .. I’m writing because this trip is also to purge pasts creased in my soul .. I light the cigarette, inhaling its comfort slowly, and I thought of nothing and I felt nothing until I finished it .. I throw the anchor because we always need a mark.. I undress myself of clothes and fears, and dive in the warm sea with a cold head. I dance to the tide of torrents with mermaids and tritons, to the pulsating rhythm of the earth itself. The sun is almost touching the sea. At this moment, and at this moment alone, I wish you were here with me floating in the waves, complicit in this.. the sea finds my tears unfamiliar, but in a shiver, it tells me that it is time to leave .. I return to the boat and to the comfort of warm clothes and one more lover .. and so I leave you .. to continue my journey .. in peace, finally ..
I’m drawing a smile again.. less euphoric .. more serene ..
Without any loving lyricism or surgical rationality.
Without pain and in peace, I make audible what is missing in this silence: goodbye.
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I really enjoyed reading that... thank you!
Thank you @anniedustan! That image illustrates it beautifully! 😊