The year is 3030 and after successfully stacking sats like a pro for decades, you soon find yourself being able to afford the elites top secret immortal life serum ( yay, you!) After living many lives, you now sit comfortably dining at fine restaurant many light years away from earth. Your waiter approaches the table glass in hand, food on tray.
He elegantly places the glass & food onto your table like normal waiters do, as he’s reaching in your direction you notice a shitcoin tattoo cleverly placed on the inner part of his wrist, you both briefly make eye contact and he leaves, but you notice he leaves out the front door instead of the back without a hesitation in step.
While investigating your food, you look on the inside of your glass and notice a seed phrase.
What do you do?
Input the seed phrase 8.0%
Copy the seed & Leave56.0%
Go after the waiter12.0%
Eat & Leave8.0%
25 votes \ poll ended
Shitcoins still around in 3030? Pfft, so unrealistic
lol there will be someone shilling shit if Bitcoin is around.
This is brilliant! Reminds me of my C-64 days playing Zork and HHGG.
Thanks, Updated Paths in 7hrs!
Pt. 1 answers are Up Part 2 paths on the way!
if this gets good reviews ill make this a written out series with charted path tree’s.
all updated answers posted near the 1hr mark