Designing User Persona for a retail Bitcoin Mining company


You're a UX designer for an online Bitcoin mining company that focus on retail distribution. The website you work on helps renters and buyers find miners, explore facilities, contact sales agents, and so on (Compass and River are the competitors).
This is a young company and you are the first design hire. They have never done user research before. You need to get your bearings and understand the users better. You decide to perform some initial research on the different types of users the website has, and then present these findings to your teammates.


Good personas are built off of research, not assumptions. Perform some research with real people who are currently looking (or have looked in the past) for new miners to buy or rent. This can include things like user interviews, diary studies, or surveys.
See what personas emerge out of your research (one simple example would be a person who is trying to find a miner to rent). Pick one and put together a user persona for that type of user using the findings from your research.
Extra Credit: Create a second persona for another different type of user.


If you need help with this challenge, check out our hand-picked tutorial recommendations.


Not sure which tools to use? Try something new, go 💯% FOSS!
AppFlowy by AppFlowy.io
Affine by Affine.pro
PenPot by kaleidos
FreePlane by freeplane team

Share Your Results

When you finish the challenge, post your work including anonymized collected data and results on this thread! If you also share it on nostr, be sure to use the hashtag #opendesigner and tag Design_r@iris.to or @Design__r on X! We'll keep an eye out and repost good examples on a regular basis.

Check our previous ODC and support this community for creative minds, where you'll be able to get open and constructive feedback on your PoW. Ask anything in the ~Design territory and get some âš¡sats for the value you provide!

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