Most bitcoiners know about El Salvador but I’m wondering about lesser known gems to visit and spend some sats.
Or perhaps even stay and apply for a visa or citizenship ?
Toby @sircryptotips and Heidi on X and You Tube have some great insights but I want to know what you guys think. πŸ™πŸ™
I would tell you that Venezuela is only due to the fact that for about 5 years bitcoin has become popular as a payment method, given the hyperinflation of its local currency, bitcoin has been the refuge of many. Bitcoin is not "legalized" like in El Salvador, but they still use it to buy houses, cars, food, there are even super markets that accept cryptocurrencies, small entrepreneurs also accept them, whether to buy clothes, shoes or appliances. Second pro to consider is a Caribbean country if in that case you are interested in a tropical country. Cons: many, shortage of gasoline and gas in an oil country, ironically, water and electricity, I have acquaintances who still live there and their way of combating the lack of electricity is by installing solar panels and with respect to water, having a tank and paying for tanker trucks. to fill the tank. Health sector, well, don't count on public hospitals, only private clinics that are quite expensive. On the other hand, Argentina and Uruguay.
Ok thanks. Some good points made about the reality living day to day in some of these countries. It’s not all tropical paradise I guess. πŸ™