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This is an excellent example of a community B2C project that help both, local merchants and curious people to learn, understand and use bitcoin for everyday expenses.
The project aim to crowdfund sats from the bitcoin community, and use them to load 10 more NFC cards that will be freely provided to members of the community. Merchants indeed will have @Bitcoinize POS Machines to receive payments. Bitcoin is much simpler that we think, people just need to be exposed to it to feel in love with the technology. No need to understand how it works, no need for intermediaries, no need to reinvent the wheel. These guys just took existing tools and make it available for those interested in exploring alternatives.
I've been in Bosa, a little fisherman town in the west coast of Sardinia (Italy) and I believe it could be a great place for another bitcoin community to thrive. That's probably why I'm taking the time to share the project ;)
Follow the project on X https://twitter.com/BisforBosa
Make your contribution to https://geyser.fund/project/bisforbosa
Read more about the project on https://rogerprice.me/project-bosa/
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I had pleasure to meet one guys from that project, they seem a very cool people. Can't wait to visit Sardinha!
This is the future. We've been planning to this here for all our local groups/merchants/ users alike.
Keep going.