How long do you spend reading Visual Capitalist every day? Just curious
I'm not sure about the exact frequency, but I must visit there regularly. Since I go there often, I don't stay for long, just check out what's new. I really enjoy seeing information compiled into graphs. A picture is worth a thousand words.
How much evil Peronism has done in Argentina, let's also look at Ukraine now, after the war, we will see those numbers grow to stratospheric levels, a perfect plan.
Was crazy even IMF ask anti-crypto regulation to Argentina.
I think I need to follow this visual capitalist a bit more now. There are already many interesting charts on SN from the site. Also India isn't here.
But as they say US has so much debt. Why isn't US on the list?
This graph illustrates the outstanding debt owed to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), an institution that provides financial assistance to countries in need of bailouts.
So US is not in this category? Where do US get debt from?
The US is able to sell debt in the markets. The IMF, on the other hand, generally lends to countries that would have to pay astronomical interest rates if they went to the markets. Not only that, but if I'm not mistaken, the IMF also lent money to India in the wake of COVID.
wow...what does argentina need so much money for?
If you take a look at Argentina's history, you'll see that it has been the subject of multiple financial bailouts. These bailouts were the result of political irresponsibility.
Are they one of the countries starting to adopt btc?
Miley took some steps on this, but I can't quite remember what they were. I think it's about being able to buy real estate and other things with Bitcoin.