ODC #000018 - UX > IDEATE

Designing Digital Prototype for a Bitcoin educational website


You're a product designer for a new bitcoin educational website (competitors are base58.info and LibreriaDeSatoshi.com and ). You're designing the interface for going through multiple lessons in a course.
You're at the stage of the process where you need to start making a digital prototype to test what the final product will feel like: things like interaction, UI components, typography, and image quality.


Make a high-fidelity digital prototype. This prototype should demonstrate the flow of watching several lessons in a row that all have video and text content. You can review your competitors to see what kinds of things would be on a page like this. You may want to start with a wireframe.
Extra Credit: Add some interactivity to the prototype so that people looking at it can get a feel for what it would be like to use this interface on the final product.


If you need help with this challenge, check out our hand-picked tutorial recommendations.


Not sure which tools to use? Try something new, go 💯% FOSS!
PenPot by kaleidos
Prototype by QuantUX
HTML5 / CSS3 by developer.mozilla.org
Bitcoin UI Kit by Bitcoin.Design

Share Your Results

When you finish the challenge, post your work including anonymized collected data and results on this thread! If you also share it on nostr, be sure to use the hashtag #opendesigner and tag Design_r@iris.to or @Design__r on X! We'll keep an eye out and repost good examples on a regular basis.

Check our previous ODC and support this community for creative minds, where you'll be able to get open and constructive feedback on your PoW. Ask anything in the ~Design territory and get some ⚡sats for the value you provide!

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