Season 2 | Episode 13 1h 10m | Aug 22, 2022This week we start off with another odd accounting of another seemingly living UFO over a city in Mexico. Then we really start looking into other similarities with dozens of accounts of what seems to be living UFO and alien obductions, including odd questions that the government would ask obducties in the 60's and 70's and UFO seemingly odd interest in large groups of nitrates. Finally, we come to the conclusion that these living upper atmosphere beings may be members of the fungus family which have ruled the planet for millions of years and have been found in the upper atmosphere. Please put on your tin foil hat and allow us to be your Fungi's on this week's episode of Cryptids of the Corn Podcast.
This is an older podcast episode but I thought this was a really interesting take on biological UFOs. I’d never heard anyone propose that they might actually be a type of fungi before.