I think it has a cut-and-dry explanation - they got wealthy with the exact opposite method - credit, debt, and fiat products. These guys aren't dumb, they understand the whole financial system would change if we moved to hard money like Bitcoin.
What I don't get is they won't be around for it, so why be resistant against the winds of change when you won't even live through it?
Companies are not fiat products. They're just denominated in fiat but could just as well be denominated in ₿.
Because it erodes their privilege. The "great investors" aren't any smarter, they just have institutional access to investment vehicles that the rest of the world is "classed out" of either by minimum investment requirements in the millions, by private access outside the public market, or by "risk assessments" that make it a requirement to be a certified "expert" to take part. This is how they make their money, not by being smart, but by being on top of the pyramid. Bitcoin is something everyone can access. Dirty prole investment. Bah.
investment vehicles
What type of investment vehicles we don't have access to?
Because they dont understand it. They also didnt get in at the right time and are now too stubborn to change their opinion.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @ca OP 8 Jun
Maybe the most surprising one among those is Bill Gates. The others have no technical background to even begin to understand the bitcoin basics.
Maybe he is more afraid of what it can do?