Spain scored in the last minute of extra time and advanced to the semi-final ...
It’s finally all over in Stuttgart, where Spain advanced to the semi-finals at the expense of the hosts courtesy of Mikel Merino’s late, late, late winner. Football, bloody hell.
Did you watch the match?
No. My guests' children broke the TV cable somehow )
Spain was a better team I must say, it was a good game. Sucks for the host country but oh well, this is football or what we call it soccer...:-)
Yeeeah! We won!
well.. not a German here but the unassigned penalty kick was - at least - strange. No Var either.
It was a good game until they committed a penalty with their hand and the referee, standing in front of the play, said that nothing happened!!
I didn't watch it, but I love the fact that Germany lost. Empire in decline.
I misread the title: Germany is out of € ... (so they sell BTC in 2024)
It was truly a great game and I sincerely enjoyed it.
It was good game.
That's great news after they have been selling sound money for papers!!
They will lose there as well!
Didn’t this one, but kids are sleeping, a nice cold 🍺 is waiting, ready for the next one. Hope for a good match.