I am unsure how accurate the numbers are, but still, it's quite telling.
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It's a good thing that politicians make a lot of money in salaries. We want it to be a well paying job so there isn't as much temptation to pad their income with bribes and other forms of corruption. And of course, the salaries and pensions should be clawed back for anyone convicted of bribery.
Besides, only a tiny, tiny, % of any countries budget is going to go to paying politicians. Their salaries and pensions are a rounding error.
Everybody has a side hustle these days, for politicians the main income is plunder and favors to the highest bider while the side job is the salary income, pocket money compared to other rent seeking activities
They still pad their high income with legal plunder and bribery
Government employees salaries and pensions are not a rounding error. If anything those liabilities in the future have been under estimated
So basically, in order to get politically influential, and try to grant a sustainable future for the next generations, I have to become an influencer?? Fidias seems still better than some Italian politicians though..yeah, I do think politicians are overpaid, but I read his program and it seems solid