Biden has had a tough time of late, with a string of slip-ups casting doubt in the minds of many upon his readiness to take on a second term of presidency. At the NATO summit yesterday, a particularly unfortunate incident occurred when he mistakenly introduced Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as “President Putin”. With stakes high and the media scrupulously doubling down on such errors, a number of heads of state have come to his aid, voicing their support for the incumbent U.S. leader - including German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer. A growing number of elected Democrats as well as actor George Clooney have said that Biden should step aside.
At the start of July, even before the latest debacle, Pew Research Center asked U.S. adults to share their views in a survey on Trump and Biden. As the following chart shows, Biden suffered under the descriptor of being “mentally sharp”, with only 24 percent of registered voters saying that he performs very or fairly well in this regard. Where Trump outperformed Biden on that metric with 58 percent of respondents saying the same, he scored lower on the characteristics of honesty and caring about ordinary people’s needs. Some 64 percent of respondents also said they would describe Trump as a damning “mean-spirited”, more than twice the share of people who would describe Biden as the same. However, a character flaw that a majority of voters agreed described both candidates was “embarrassing”, with an evenly matched 63 percent of respondents saying this about each.
Polls for the presidential race have been neck-and-neck, with the latest data indicating results could lean towards Trump, following Biden’s poor debate performance two weeks ago.
138 sats \ 1 reply \ @gmd 12 Jul
Next debate should be the two of them completing a mini mental status exam side by side.
I would also love to see a Head CT scan of both to see what kind of volume loss we're looking at. At this rate the expected cognitive decline in 4 years is scary to think about... crazy that we got to this point.
I think Kamala Harris should move forward at some point.
203 sats \ 4 replies \ @k00b 12 Jul
It grinds my gears that, to most people, honest means agreeing with news outlets that are know to lie in concert with governments.
Biden did talk about not trusting polls though, so maybe we’re onto something.
I'm with you on that. There hasn't been an honest president in my lifetime. Trump is different in that he doesn't even play the diplomatic game. It was inevitable that in a culture built on lies you'd have someone who just uses it for effect and distraction.
We really have devolved into my guy isn't as bad as your guy. And if your guy wins the world ends. Its all so absurd. I wonder how less engaged Zoomers will be from prev generations. It seems to me that all this nonsense is just becoming more and more obvious. That is a little bit of a silver lining I guess.
I think many will not understand what I'm saying here.
I get along with people I disagree with on politics almost all of the time. I'm not a control freak trying to get into their lives and control their choices. However, I cannot say the same for many in either party. Each side seems hell bent on exerting the power of government to force their moral views on everyone in the US.
I don't think most people care this much but the elites in these camps gain power and money by stoking fear and driving division. When one side wins they aren't content. They wanna expand their power. This is how a nation that started off with a very weak federal government now is the largest empire in the history of the world.
Trump is so mean spirited!
They only believe he is more honest because that’s what the media says. Despite the fact that this is the same media that has been saying for 4 years that Biden was mentally fit to be president when he clearly wasn’t - even back in 2020.
Literally the media pivoted over night after the debate when they realized they couldn’t cover for him anymore.
Biden lies all the time. At almost every appearance he has a new life experience to tell that never actually happened.
"I don't care if he cannot speak as long as he can do the job", that's the mindset in the DNC right now (well forgetting that speaking coherently is part of the job, let alone negotiating with world leaders), preferring losing with a puppet candidate than giving a chance to Harris...probably rightfully since she is quite terrible
Biden the plagiarist is more 'honest'.
The sample is adults not registered or likely voters.