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In a Democracy the people are sovereign, with each individual holding sovereignty over their dominion.
There is no central government, as the court is the government, with said court being under the jurisdiction of the individual sovereign, who self-governs.

Pirate Democracy:

The idea that Democracy requires some form of voting, where the majority vote is applied to the whole, comes from “Pirate Democracy”.
This is where a group of sailors give up their individual sovereign status and hand their authority over to the Captain, who takes the title sovereign.
The crew have accepted their role and are now obligated to follow the captain under Maritime Law.
However the crew members are permitted to vote on certain issues and can even vote to remove and replace the captain.
Just another belief
Unfortunately, democracy is just a moderated tyranny.
3 wolves and 1 lamb vote on dinner 🍽️
Satisfaction With Democracy, in 26 Countries #610060