Marc Andreessen wrote the Techno Optimist Manifesto last year, basically coming down hard on the side that technology progress has always been what got us out of the last pickle. It is for then, and forever will be, for anybody who isn't for unregulated effective accelerationis (instead of effective altruism) ...
... to put every penny, every calorie and every gigawatt we've got into general artificial intelligence, creating basically a silicon God that'll fix anything.
Anyone that read the stories of Doctor Faustus, or seen Fantasia with the Sorcerer's apprentice, or any other tale where someone is tempted to go for the ultimate power or knowledge, where they try to grab that ring ... etc. Not a single story ends with that someone comes up with roses.
There's a lot in our mythical memory, as well as our historical memory, and all we ever do is to kick the can down the road for a greater more complex problems, instead of solving our earlier ones.
Maybe I'm wrong, maybe GI one day will rule the world as we wish, and we'll have no issues anymore!
58 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 21 Jul
I read half of this when it originally came out. I got the strong sense that I belong to the choir. I mostly want my eyelids peeled back and my beliefs shaken around these days.
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @mo OP 21 Jul
You mean choir of the same "church"? I felt the same last year, and forcing myself to read it again now make me realize how much my belief have been changed!
I did make some mistakes when writing above... and the split text definitely does not help a fluid reading.
Fuck you, shitcoiner simp