X (Twitter)* Collects and shares a lot of user data for advertising purposes.
Facebook Known for extensive data collection and sharing practices.
TikTok Concerns about data collection practices and potential ties to the Chinese government.
Instagram Similar to Facebook, it collects extensive user data and shares it with third parties.
WhatsApp Though it offers end-to-end encryption, it shares metadata and other information with Facebook.
Google Maps Tracks and stores detailed location data and search history.
Zoom Had several privacy issues, including data sharing with Facebook and inadequate encryption practices.
LinkedIn Known for collecting extensive professional and personal data.
Reddit Tracks user activity and shares data with third parties for advertising.
Snapchat Collects a wide range of personal data, including location and usage information.
What can be seen in this article is totally true... all these applications access your data and not only that, they collect and keep a history of your movements... places where you go... and your closest circle of friends or family... I mean all the data necessary to kill you without leaving any trace... and make the situation seem normal... cause of death depression" that's what they call it... I personally use Telegram and it's because I'm learning in the world of Cryptoeconomics and technology. person who is currently showing us all the files... tutorials and respective information is sending it there... but soon we are going to switch to briar, an application that is quite private... and its functions are also quite good💪
what about Apple maps?
what are alternatives to using Apple or Google map?
Exist alternative to these maps, but I don’t remember which are the maps. Apple Maps also track your geolocation
organic maps