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Or the Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the Covid Controlled Op

Recently the Hodge Twins put out a video highlighting the incompetence of the US Secrete Service (USSS) director who after questioning could not even come up with a "timeline".
A timeline is a basic skill in propaganda, government, memory holing and education. If there was a vin diagram of this, it would look like this:
The point of this post is to point out that a timeline is a carefully crafted device used to steer people in a certain linear progression of control. Put simply, it is a point that begins and there is an arrow pointing to the target. That is the line or mathematically it is a ray. symbolically a timeline is a spear, missile or arrow. IT is the God of war symbol, Mars.
In this particular example the website https://www.hiv.gov/hiv-basics/overview/history/hiv-and-aids-timeline has a disclaimer: "This is an official U.S. Government website managed by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services and supported by the Minority HIV/AIDS Fund." The government has even made a domain for HIV called "hiv.gov".
If you investigate the timeline you will discover that the same characters that were behind the COVID scam were and are behind the AIDS scam. I claim this is a scam because I am old enough to have seen a friend die from a reckless lifestyle and mistreatment (AIDS), Robert F. Kennedy JR's book will also tie in those missing pieces with receipts.
Now back to the timeline - memory hole. The timeline is a tool and recently the USSS directory could not even produce this for congress or anyone. Instead, all of us out here have had to try to do this. In other words the Federal Government has become so incompetent that it can't even do it's job of steering the narrative. That's pathetic. That's also the work from the largest employer on the planet.
The CDC, NIH, NIAID, MHAF (Minority HIV/AIDS Fund.), HHS (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services) all have websites that show huge disconnected organizations that are supposed to promote health.
Why is an AIDS timeline sponsored by a "minority" HIV/AIDS fund?
The answer is that they think you are stupid. And yes, you and I are stupid. because we fall into the "EDUCATED" part of the diagram of memory holing.
AIDS started as a disease of wealthy white homosexual men. These men were doing a lot of drugs, not sleeping much and partying like there was no tomorrow. My friend mentioned above told he before he died that he once was having a blast in Virginia Beach and woke up in Chicago. That's pretty wild. And when he came out in 1988 we were already 7 years into the AIDS epidemic / scare. It wasn't homosexuality that killed him, it was his immune system being destroyed by drugs, alcohol, poor diet and then AZT which was a failed cancer treating drug that was repurposed by by then directory of NIAID, Anthony Fauci:
After completing his medical residency in 1968, Fauci joined the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a clinical associate in the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases's (NIAID) Laboratory of Clinical Investigation (LCI).[24] He became head of the LCI's Clinical Physiology Section in 1974, and in 1980 was appointed chief of the NIAID's Laboratory of Immunoregulation. He became director of the NIAID in 1984.[25] Fauci has been offered the position of director of the NIH several times, but has declined each time.[26]
Fauci discovered how to re-dose cancer drugs in a way that turned a 98 percent mortality rate of the disorder vasculitis into a 93 percent remission rate.[15]
Fauci has contributed to the understanding of how HIV destroys the body's natural defense system, progressing to AIDS. He has outlined the mechanisms of induction of HIV expression by endogenous cytokines.[31] Fauci has worked to develop strategies for the therapy and immune reconstitution of patients with the disease, as well as for a vaccine to prevent HIV infection. His current[as of?] research is concentrated on identifying the nature of the immunopathogenic mechanisms of HIV infection and the scope of the body's immune responses to HIV.
You are probably ready to fall asleep now but I want to share why I found this and why I am reall yposting this.
COVID happened under the presidency of Donald Trump. AIDS happened under the presidency of Ronald Reagon. To this day those political organizations have come and gone. Under every president the vehicle of mind control continues unfettered.
Americans are more fat, unhealthy, than ever. Our health is so bad that the government under Joe Biden has had to import people to do the jobs that Americans don't want to do. It's all about cheap labor, eugenics and mind control. The powerful families of this planet do not care about you, your family or your race. They are both the good guys and the bad guys because they are in charge.
Try to understand the psychological operation against you, your family and then get organized with others in your community. Do business. Trade. Get hard money and observe what the manipulators of the mind control do.