I am honestly amazed she decided not to resign before the Committee hearing yesterday. Hopefully someone with a few brain cells will fill her role and keep our leaders safe!
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154 sats \ 1 reply \ @Cje95 OP 23 Jul
FYI here is Bidens Statement… while she did serve in the USSS for 27 years I am not sure I would highlight how “[she] risked her life” given the state of things…
Well, we have to take everything with a grain of salt here. Biden is not at his top mental game right now...
Was she waiting for one pay to hit her bank account before resigning? What was this lady doing? She should have resigned the Monday after the shooting.
Hmm not sure what her pay schedule is like... the House of Reps freakin only pays us once a month at the end of the month... I thought she was going to resign this weekend but idk if the Biden announcement had her postpone it or if she truly thought she was going to somehow "win" at the Committee hearing yesterday
I didn't see any of the highlights but I heard it was a disaster for her.
AOC started siding with Republicans… that is how bad it went for her and I feel that says a lotttt
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @Fritz 23 Jul
Not sure anything AOC says is worth paying attention to
After hearing her green deal thing....I feel she is short a few braincells.
of course with AOC her questions come from a place of narcissism. People want to assassinate me! I need better protection!
Do members of Congress get Secret Service protection? I don't think they do
There are a few positions within Congress that will get USSS protection and those are Speaker of the House, House Minority Leader, Senate President Pro Tempore, Senate Majority and Minority Leaders, and Whips in both chambers.
Every Member has a risk matrix score concerning their safety. Capitol Police covers most Members (who request it and have a need for it) for the most part. In some cases though it can be expanded and other Members can gain USSS protection at least for a brief time. For instance, before the 2017 Congressional Baseball shooting, Rep. Steve Scalise was the Majority Whip but only Capitol Hill Police were assigned duty to protect him (USSS was not in charge of protecting Congressional Leadership at the time) but once he was shot USSS took over protection duties for him and the other individual on the Republican Team who was critically injured.
Then Congress changed the law to protect these people with USSS since they were supposed to be the "experts" and all of these people in Leadership tend to be big names and crazy people would likely go after them over a regular Member...
EDIT: AOC only has Capitol Police Protect. She actually lives in a building that a ton of Dem Members live in including Dem Leadership so that building tends to have a police vehicle or two in front of it at all times.
Seems like AOC doesnt understand her position in life. She thinks she is the only one who needs protection lol
just because she is annoying doesn't mean she is on a hit list
she hates it when people ignore her
Sandy Cortez from Westchester
Lately, AOC has been getting on my nerves. When is she up for reelection?
House Reps have 2 year terms
Think she will get reelected?
To be fair narcissism and getting screen time is what these hearings are all about.
I dont understand why people like this AOC person...
She said everything to make the youth fall in love with her however she for the most part has really failed to deliver on what she promised
Isnt that all politicians?
100000000000000% right but she plays the "I am normal I am not like them" card. However she is now like them and doesn't want to admit it.
She thinks she doesn't make enough either.... she makes 175k a year... I make 60k.... we both live in DC and she even lived in my apartment complex for a few years...
Once a month? That is very interesting, they have to manage their finances wisely.
I'm guessing she was negotiating a severance package. Even the dumbest, most self-aware person has to know your job doesn't survive this (regardless of where in the org the fault was).
Off topic but I was watching Dark Matter on Apple TV last night and was thinking "I wonder if stillstackin has seen this or read the book?"
I read the book and thought it was okay -- Crouch is more of an ideas person than a great writer -- but haven't seen the show yet. It's on my list, though probably after Lady in the Lake.
Show was pretty good. I like the premise. I only sub to Apple TV for the months the Blue Jays are featured on Apple TV Friday night baseball games so I have to get through the Apple TV shows that look interesting in the next few weeks.
I assume you've already seen Ted Lasso.
I really enjoyed Sugar, but it's a weird show -- starts as very heavy noir, then shifts genres in a completely unexpected way.
Yes, Ted Lasso is great.
Is the dark matter show good? I saw the trailer, but thought the premise was a bit weird.
It’s pretty good.
Being a public servant there is very very little she could negotiate for in a severance. The only thing I can think of is health insurance coverage and what if any cooling-off period she would have before finding another job. Most of the stuff is already baked in when you take the job.
An interesting thing is that I cannot find anything about when her resignation goes into effect... most times when these people announce their resignation it has a set date in the future but with her... I cannot find if it was effective immediately or not
That latter part is part of what I was thinking. She could be done with the work/responsibility immediately, but still on salary (and insurance) for three or four months, etc. Plus at higher levels, there are sometimes intangibles (so if she has a car as a part of her position, she might maintain access for a period of time).
Yeah for sure. I am sure her resignation is something along the lines of her last day is either this Friday or maybe the week after.
Interesting. No golden parachute?
Some people are slow on the uptake.
I think the hearing yesterday has impacted this resign from her! The committee might have suggested that they have some proof or evidence to prove the fault of secret service in Trump's assassination attempt!!
It was either resign or be fired.... My guess is she took the resign route to dodge being fired
She was just a pawn within the machine. They’re will be another face that shows up within days.
She was an honest DEI hire and made it a huge part of her time... I doubt the next one will have that be their platform.
You’re probably right. But it still won’t be a qualified candidate.
This is so suspicious. My father also said someone higher up died 6 days after the assassination attempt. Does anyone know who that was?
Cheatles back to managing Cheetos
Lmaoooooo yeah idk sounds crazy but maybe... just maybe we get someone with either a military or law enforcement background to head up the USSS from now on! I know I know it is crazy!
who wants to hire her after this fiasco
Well Pepsi might want her back... could likely get a discounted rate to guard the cheetos!
Did we ever get ballistic report back from that day? Curious mind want to know...
Our culture needs to get back to competence and meritocracy. Not just in government but everywhere. We can still be kind and just with people. We don't have to be a-holes. The polices of this director were not kind. They were very unkind to these agents. I can't imagine how much shame the agents that were on this assignment must feel.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 23 Jul
I am honestly amazed she decided not to resign before the Committee hearing yesterday. Hopefully someone with a few brain cells will fill her role and keep our leaders safe!
I do not think she could have avoided that hearing even if she had resigned. I suspect she will be very evolved in the investigations going forward (questioned).
Or another possibility is that she just is pretty ignorant of what is going on. That comment about the roof was a massive signal to me that she is clueless. Only a fool would look at that roof and say what you see said. Makes me think she was just repeating what she was told from people below her.
It would have bought her more time! The Supena and what she could say would have been all messed up so that's why I thought she would resign to screw up the hearing
Her resignation is coming way too late, it happened only after she has been grilled and it has become clear that she is covering for something and doesn't answer basic questions. So as we know the playbook well, she has been exposed and the truth is too obvious so she needs to go
Resignation effective immediately
The director of Secret Service announced his resignation shortly after Reagan was shot, March 30, 1981 but it was not effective immediately. He didn’t leave until November 30.
Ah yeah now I see they have announced Ronald L. Rowe Jr. as Acting Director. Granted I am looking at Wikipedia but this guy seems to have some serious credits to his name might be a good pick to make the permanent Director the more I read
It's a good decision for her! This may save her from unwanted disrespect from the revelation of the involvement of Secret service in Trump's assaisnation attempt.
Putting on my tinfoil hat for a minute I think it would be much more likely the FBI would be involved....
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @Fritz 24 Jul
Secret Service has had some very shady moments during JFK. And since they’ve been under Dept of Homeland Security, forget about it. Wrecked
True... wasnt the JFK thing though the one people think the CIA did? Only reason I point it out is I wonder if it could be that the FBI/CIA are ya know the big leagues and the Secret Service are the minor league rookies if that makes sense
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @Fritz 24 Jul
Just heard on Americas Untold Stories that Cheatle was private security for members of the Cheney family for many years. And it was Dr Jill the Babysitter Biden who put her into the director position.
So yes Cheatle was a Secret Service Agent and the first female actually to be the lead agent in charge of protection of a Vice President... it was Cheney at the time. No idea on the Jill part though but it wouldn't be the craziest thing I have heard this week
I believe it was an embarrassment to her.
I could sense after a lot of speculations regarding secret services that something big was gonna happen!
She should've taken full responsibility for the attempted assassination on Trump and resigned that very day. But idk why she took it so longer. May be, she now gets to know enough details now!
We hope so
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