VP Kamala Harris has been ridiculed for her many nonsensical sayings, chief among them being "what can be, unburdened by what has been." While this specific phrase elicits much criticism, very few people are attempting to figure out what this phrase means, and what it reflects about Kamala Harris's worldview. In this video, Mr. Watson uses his philosophical analysis to reveal the deeper meaning behind Harris's mantra and equips the viewer on how to contest with it. Watch for more!
Christian Watson is on fire here. A short deconstruction of the Kamala Harris mantra that...
Reflects the ethos of the enemies of this republic.
Christian is talking about Kamala's: "What can be, unburdened by what has been."
After seriously listening to her say this in clips, her body language and tells I think his analysis deserves a careful listen.
For the Bitcoin, hard money and less government is more, Christian beautiful sums this up with even more accurate and thoughtful speech where he describes the "Devine will of the unaccountable" or something quite close.
...ruled by fiat, tyranny by fiat and that is the kind of thing we have today in the administrative state.
She’s a strange lady…..
Christian Watson's point here is that if we just disregard her as wacky or strange we are not comprehending the very moral relativism that she is broadcasting. She's backing the view of progressivism where all things in the past must be destroyed for the progress of "enlightened", woke and powerful administrative people.
Yes I agree with all that. It’s a similar philosophy to Maoism and the cultural revolution which has its roots in Marxism. And I think going even deeper Marxism is probably satanic if you want to look at it through a spiritual lens. Inversion and the way they change the meanings of words for example.
I am really enjoying Christian's language use here. I'm going to try to convince him to join Stacker.