Income tax:

Income tax is only payable by those who accept the title Employee, or Citizen, or Member of the public, or just simply Taxpayer.
Note: accepting these titles is usually done by using and signing paperwork that is supplied by the government that the average person cannot read.
If you have inadvertently accepted one of these titles, you have accepted liability to pay; however it is a misconception that you have no choice but to allow your employer to automatically remove this tax from your salary.
You employer is only acting as an agent to do this service for you, but you have every right to decline this service and request that you are paid in full.
However it should be noted that “salary” and “wage” are also legal terms and subject to tax if you use them.
Note: For those no longer wishing to take the title of “Tax Payer” they often opt to work for free and have their employer make a donation, in full, to a private family trust.