I recommend this book: "Bitcoin Money" by Michael Caras.
The kids in Bitville realize they need a tool to help them trade with each other. As they explore using different types of money, a strange boy moves to town and suggests a new idea...
Bitcoin Money is a story for all ages which helps answer the question "Why Bitcoin?"
Finished this a few hours ago. Better than her first novel, which is saying something. It's the story of how a man being kidnapped for a week impacts his entire family for the next forty years, and both funny and sad at various points.
Man, Economy, and State by Murray Rothbard
Layered Money by Nik Bhatia
On Wednesday I picked up Edward Gibbon's classic again after many years:
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
written at the end of the 18th century, in a partly factual but then again rapturous style of the Englishman, who looks at the English empire in the time of burgeoning liberalism, 100 years after the glorious revolution, and sees his own time in the future perspective through the lens of Roman decline. Here is a link to an audio book
What a good alternative for my 9-year-old son who is already getting stronger in reading👍... I'm going to look for it to give it to him... this weekend which is a holiday here in Lima Peru for its national holidays!! I am going to continue reading the Cryptoeconomics book since I am still new to this wonderful world of Bitcoin... to continue strengthening my knowledge 💪
All people who work in sales or something related to sales. This book is for them 📕 and in general for anyone. It teaches you how to relate to others in order to connect with a sale, provide a service or acquire a product.