No, they are of course on the wrong side too, and a horrible thing to fight...
What I'm referring to is all the spooks and NGOs from the US and other Western deep states who totally will try to get their tentacles into the organic, REAL movement!
Or even agents from those in power now, and/or those from deep, international commie networks...
this territory is moderated
This is all a mess. I don't know what to believe, I don't know what to think, I don't know what the best way out is, we are losing a lot of people, and we don't have the weapons to fight this battle.
Yes its not hard to imagine how hard this can be...
At least uncensorable media like this exist now, that should be a game changer I hope!
It is one of the few weapons we have left, the Internet, smartphones to be able to take photos and record to collect evidence and share it with the world.
Are you using peer to peer mesh networks?
Those work well with no cell signal :-)
No, I'm a newbie. How does it work? How can I start using it?
Never used them myself, but I know they've been instrumental for some movements!