Elon Musk accused Twitter’s leadership of tipping the scales politically. But now he’s doing just that with X.
Ahead of the US elections, Elon Musk, the billionaire owner of X, has used the platform as his own personal political bullhorn.
On July 26, Musk posted a video of vice president and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris in which a deepfake of her voice appears to make her say that she is the “ultimate DEI hire” and a “deep-state puppet.” The post now bears a community note indicating that it is a parody. But many alleged that, shared without appropriate context, the video could have violated X’s policies on synthetic, or AI-altered, media.
This was the culmination of Musk’s recent political rhetoric. Over the past month, Musk, after officially endorsing former president Donald Trump, has also boosted baseless conspiracies of a “coup” following Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race, and insinuated that the Trump assassination attempt might have been the result of an intentional failure on the part of the Secret Service. After endorsing Trump, Musk announced that he was starting a pro-Trump political action committee (PAC), and initially committed to donate $45 million a month, before backtracking.
None of these perl clutching journo's gave fuck all when the globalists had a complete monopoly on all forms of media... now one platform has traction with dank memes that make them look retarded and they can't cope
If you don't like Xitter, don't use it, but also don't pretend your preferred platform is any better... its the same broken incentive model... at least one is shaking it up.
Pearl clutching journalists is the perfect description
just realized i typed perl the language not the jewel... ok back to code...
Works either way
I get autocorrected to peel
123 sats \ 4 replies \ @Cje95 7 Aug
Remember how everyone a couple of years ago was talking about how X (Twitter) was going down the drain and wasn't going to survive or be relevant? While Elon has made a ton of changes some I agree with others I do not from personally having two X accounts, one focused on crypto and one personal, you can cultivate and find echo chambers for any and all sides.
The main issue that this article seems to have is that Elon himself uses and freely tweets on his own platform. Does he get stuff wrong? Yep. Does he also get stuff right way before other people? Also right.
I do not think anyone should ever be swayed by one single person. If you are with his comments I see that as more of an issue that you have and a failing of society for thinking that is remotely smart. Community Notes has been a pretty marvelous creation that has really outperformed what I think everyone thought. Elon and others from across the spectrum of views have all been checked by it which is something I do not see in other platforms like this.
Yes continued progress needs to be made but you would think this was a crazy right-wing platform from what the article gives off while at the same time, it is huge for the Free Gaza and Free Palestine movements along with its coverage of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Community notes are awesome. Not perfect but a tremendous improvement.
Remember all the people who boycotted Twitter? 99 percent came back.
I know one person who still boycotts Twitter but he uses Facebook and lives in Portland Oregon.
Biden announced he was dropping out of the race via Twitter or X
The writer echoes the sentiment of many SN users who virtue signal they stopped using Twitter after Elon purchased it. It’s so boring and tiresome and predictable.
Of course they had no problem with suppressing NY Post and Hunter Biden laptop story. Censorship. Election interference. Facilitating lies spread by legacy media.
Predictable left wing talking points. National Public Radio said the same thing in 2023.
This, there's no more to it that this.
41 sats \ 1 reply \ @Cje95 7 Aug
Haha thanks! I tried to cover really what are the basics to this whole thing. It is a place that Elon has done a rather decent job at allowing for the flow of free speech. When the huge Taylor Swift AI stuff happened they did what they could to shut that down ASAP. Nothing will ever be perfect but on X, at least right now, you can find every group represented somewhere and they often create their own echo chambers.
X is the only viable source of information we have right now in Argentina. It's that dramatic. X and Tiktok are largely responsible for making Milei president, and thank god the youth has conquered those lands relegating the left to only be able to humiliate itself on them. Of course, such a dependence is not good at all, so I'm all about Nostr taking over X. That competition will lead to a dramatic improvement on both.
While I think Elon should tone down the rhetoric and considering his massive following should be more careful in what he is sharing (dogecoin shilling, sharing AI altered videos etc) I don’t think the owner of the company exercising his free speech is the same as previous management of the company trying to impair or mute the free speech of others for their political aims.
tone down the rhetoric
That's how we've come to this place where everything is fake, families attacked, kids are getting mutilated, pointless wars for blood and treasure, unending psyops, and so on...
The high road is literally the weak men create hard times meme.
If the enemy won't stop neither should he. Enhance the rhetoric!
I get the fight fire with fire attitude. I just don't think it is working.
Articles like the OP show that it is in fact working, if it wasn't we'd just be sliding into the abyss of another fake election ceremony for the globalist uniparty
Now things are spicy and contentious, the flak comes over the target
Everything seemingly going to shit should be a massive whitepill, creative destruction of the old guard.
1000 percent 🎯
"should be" being the operative phrase. You really think people are waking up because I am not really seeing that but maybe I am not looking in the right places.
If you don't think people are more skeptical of what they see and hear than they were before, to pick a random marker, the fake pandemic... then your eyes are really wide shut.
Go back to Trump's inauguration speech from Jan 2017, listen closely.
Welcome to the Great Awakening.
Elon endorses Trump
Why are people fake shocked by his endorsement?
Elon is interviewing Trump next week
Most people treat the news cycle as real, as opposed to something that was scripted up 5-10-20 years in advance as part of an O-Plan.
SpaceX is one of our biggest, and absolutely our most important military contractor. And Tesla one of our most important energy companies. Major NatSec stuff there.
Then look at who got SpaceX off the ground, the timing of that vs. our losing space dominance as a country, seemingly on purpose... then consider how Trump Space-Force fit into that.
Look at the attack on our energy infrastructure, derilict, new pipelines cancelled, boondoggles on PV/Wind that destroy our farms and fisheries...
NatSec issues everywhere. Did they think this would just be allowed to continue?
Peoples ego won't let them believe they know as little as they do, "the truth would put 99% of people in the hospital"
I am not shocked by the endorsement.
Especially after he was shot and was centimeters from dying
I'll throw a bone to never Trumpers who think that was staged and say I think it was too... but in the context of everything we see is scripted. Doesn't mean there wasn't a real attempt at some point (missile fired at AF1 / related to the Hawaii incident)
70 sats \ 14 replies \ @TomK 7 Aug
but it's important that we counter the traditional mainstream press, which is exclusively on the side of the socialists. What's happening with Kamala Harris and her communist pseudo-vice president, this massive media buildup to push her poll numbers, is absolutely unacceptable and shows where we've sunk to. The radical left is dominating the mainstream press and corroding the remnants of democracy and republicanism.
Who is this we? Sounds like you are ok with Musk's B.S. because he fits your perspective. Be careful, friend. Taking sides is not the way. Wrong is wrong, especially when you agree with it.
21 sats \ 3 replies \ @TomK 7 Aug
What BS? I think that it can't go on like this, it's obvious
The point of this OP is that Musk is being hypocritical.
Neutrality is a cop out
Wrong is wrong. But I know where you stand.
When I read the article I didn't make that assessment and it seems to me that it's not the main point of the article, but I could be wrong. I just criticize all those who say one thing today and the opposite tomorrow. I like consistency, but I also understand that sometimes we need to change if there are clear reasons.
42 sats \ 2 replies \ @TomK 7 Aug
I think Elon Musk has clearly switched political camps from Obama to Trump because he no longer likes the radical left-wing policies of the Obama-Clinton-(Biden) clan. Musk clearly sees how his country is going down the drain and is reacting to it. legitimate for me
His son became a victim of the transgender cult
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @TomK 7 Aug
This was quite new to me,until some days ago when Musk mentioned this. He really has a motive to fight this transgender disease and the political incendiaries that are using it as leverage
There is a difference between consistency and stubborn or dogmatic
Is it inconsistent to say 51 intelligence officials lied and committed election interference in October 2020?
I don't know what you're talking about.
That’s the problem
You don’t understand the censorship and election interference of 2020
Search for : 51 intelligence officials hunter Biden laptop
You are missing the point
Stay in your lane
My fraction of a penny... X could/would never be as good as SN, because it doesn't have Lightning integration. No friction, no 'costs' to post and the bots run wild. There needs to be a cost for posting (a fraction of a penny) in order for the space to have value and the bots to be limited. Otherwise it's just a waste of time and all about ads and advertising. Just my thoughts.
X is a bad social media platform. For example you have to create an account to just view tweets. This makes it feel too corporate and it ruins the experience.
But also the character limit is gone. The magic of twitter was the character limit which ensured a high signal to noise ratio even when it came to jokes and memes. But gone
Its a shame
X is a bad social media platform. For example you have to create an account to just view tweets.
This is proof it's a good platform, so good they need to protect it from scraping.
This makes it feel too corporate and it ruins the experience.
But every major platform is corporate, means this one is just transparent and YOU are the product on the others.
the character limit is gone
I don't like this either, yet the site is more popular than when they had it. It's also a different AI/Bot landscape and it shows some responsiveness.
So the receipts show it is a good platform, just that our preferences are bad.
You need to pay to remove the character count
You can view tweets via SN link post , very convenient feature
I'm not sure who I thank for never having had a twitter account.
11 sats \ 2 replies \ @zx 7 Aug
Twitter started in 2006 but became popular in 2008 especially after Obama election
It’s ok if Obama uses Twitter but Trump or Elon no way
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @zx 7 Aug
Good point.
I was just listening to BBC radio in the car (all the stations are the same and either play dross or condemn wrongthink) Basically it was a pseudo-analysis of Musk's influence in light of his recent support for the popular view on the partiality of the UK PM.
The way I see it, by 2019, the scales of left right balance was so far left, there was no further left to go to. He is actively bringing the discourse on his platform back to balance.
Obviously the radio wanted to caution against his apparent right leaning tendencies. I call bullshit.
Those parasitical politicians are getting really brazen to mess with resourceful people like Elon Musk. I'm not a fan of Elon, but hope he wins this war, as a symbolic triumph of the market over statism, and the Sovereign Individual thesis playing out.
Come on, what did you expect? Half the stuff that comes out of his mouth is weird.
Kamala is literally a communist!
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.