Because I am. Kind of.
As in, I was naturally born as a left-hander. But owing to superstitious beliefs - something about left-handers not being able to live up to a ripe old age - my father trained me to write with my right hand.
My father’s training wasn’t comprehensive enough because while I write with my right hand, I do everything else with my left. Hold a racquet or bowling ball? Left. Hold my chopsticks? Left.
This explains why this app notification caught my attention. Apparently, Aug 13 is International Left Handers Day!
10-12% of the world’s population is left-handed.
And although it has not been conclusively proven by science, it seems that a greater proportion of neurodivergent people, such as dyslexics, people with ADHD, and autistic people, are likely to be left handers.
This hypothesis seems true enough at my school for low-progress students. During an exam invigilation, I was bored out of my mind and counted the number of left-handers amongst the candidates in order to pass time.
In any case, happy belated Left Handers Day! Did you know that "Stewardesses" is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand?