Stocks have moved back to their valuation compared to gold when the goldstandard was lifted. 50 years for nothing? By the way, Bitcoin has no insolvency risk, for all those still standing on the sidelines in disbelief!
This doesn’t include reinvested dividends…would be interested to see that chart as well.
On the other hand, gold has not kept up with inflation, so it may be an essentially 0% real return, since gold has lost real value over time
gold has not kept up with inflation?
Didn't gold reach a new all time high in price, dollars per troy ounce?
Gold has only done about 6.5%, while inflation has been 10%
26 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 25 Aug
Right. Aggregated 2.5% over 5 decades...
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @jeff 25 Aug
It wasn't always 2.5%
still a crazy finding
Stocks use to be about gathering information about corporations. Now stocks is just about graphs and hit and miss "technical analysis". The scam sorrounding the whole industry of stock market is the source of let down. People today are wasting their efforts fine tuning Pine Tree with AI and all. Bitcoin is the only Asset you need.
above all, I believe that passive investment in the form of ETFs has destroyed any form of signaling effect on the stock markets.
Only Bitcoin’s price will be the true indicator of the state of the Centralized System. At 64,000 USD per Bitcoin just ask yourself why is Bitcoin priced like that? It is because we are at the abyss of the money printing ocean.
Everything has a cycle, but what’s next? Bitcoin has something to say, I’ll say that!
In 2000 is pretty high
Was a nice bubble while they were pumping
It's only benifiting those who remained shifting.
Bitcoin knows no shift.
big boom during the 1990s until the bubble burst in 2000
Gold outperformed stocks during the 1970s and 80s.
Another bubble burst in 2008 and 2009.
Wow and they dipped down to as low as 25% of gold around 2011-2012
Get your money for nothing And your chicks for free
Dire Straits?
yes, it came to my's all very sad. The stock market is a big bordel. Bitcoin fixes this, but still we are a small group of lunatics resisting the tirany while normies reject all the freedom we offer at the cost of often not having a normal life.
21 sats \ 3 replies \ @ken 25 Aug
Why run a business when you can put a shiny rock in a safe instead?
The answer is simple. They are saying all day long the words "My Precious". That is their business.
Because the business gives you the ability to borrow (rent newly printed money) against future earnings. Borrow at rates below the rate of inflation, and buy assets that depreciate more slowly than the money (property, jets, etc.) and repay the loan with more borrowed money with those assets as collateral. Rinse and repeat for your own cantillon money printer.
Saylor just figured out the omega chad move of borrowing unlimited dogshit to buy bitcoin. THATS why you should run a business in fiat world - to borrow fiat.
Good question, I don't have a good answer!
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