I think I’ll still be trying to figure it out even in my 80s. 😂
185 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 2 Sep
It depends on what you're trying to figure out. Though, I'd say if you ever think you have it all figured out you've stopped living.
Oh damn! K00b at it again with his wise words... Spot. On.
I think the term "figure it out" can also be called or referred to:
Realizing you need to talk to God moment by moment.
Fear no man.
Be honest with yourself.
Be careful who "invest" your time with. I'm 72 one day you will wake up and feel life is very, very short. I should have done this, or that, tried this or that, gone here or there.
It's easier to do business with people in other Countries they are hungry, the majority of Americans are not.
Number one I would say at the very least even if you only have one penny, start a business it's more of a state of mind "I started a business" I have a business" "My new business is this or that". You can always keep your day job. But build something.
Excuses and procrastinating are similar.
For me, yes. It's normal for some people.
I remember when I finished high school and not having a clue about what to do next in my life...but the rest of my siblings were pretty sure what path to follow...
I'm still trying to know me better.
What is the definition of "it"?
I didn't figure it out until I was over 50.
I think I have the basic framework of my life figured out but I am always figuring out the details.