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By Joakim Book
While Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can boggle the mind with their complex relationships, nonetheless, we are witnessing the development of a parallel economy that has sprung up in the wake of harmful government intervention.
Excellent review of this book ๐Ÿ“• that I enjoyed reading from cover to cover.
Governments are like that, they want to interfere in everything, they even want to tax bitcoin, I don't understand.
Nice, love to see it. We need more bitcoiners working at the Mises Institute! :)
Yes, he and Matulef are the only two who make it a priority, as far as I know.
โ€œWhen money stops working, everything becomes political and a farce.โ€
What an excellent statement!!!
Never were words so well said. I am an ordinary citizen, I am not an expert or student of economics, the concepts and frameworks are more complicated than simply selling and buying, but those words open my eyes and mind.
"We are facing a social paradigm shift of immense proportions, where our perseverance in the present will determine the fate of our children's future. Are you willing to stand firm and fight for your freedoms, or will you choose the convenience of being mere cattle with the right to vote. Are you willing to bite the hand that supposedly feeds you?"
Persevere and stand firm in the fight. Does that hand really feed me? Or does it feed off my effort?
"Virtually everyone can look each other in the eye and communicate verbally without delay, no matter how geographically separated they are. Combine that with Bitcoin and you quickly realize that national borders are already obsolete. If no one can stop you from communicating, even monetarily, the barriers to global trade dissolve."
Ah, look at you, schmuck! Sharing my work on SN before I was here!
(It's like a time machine, and pretty awesome to see my stuff here before I was, you know, here!)
I thought it was cool enough that you were on nostr. Boy was I wrong!
...and now I'm here, encroaching on the SN econ corner! muuu-haaa-ha!