So something really weird happened to me yesterdy that made me think about the concept of reality. As I was going back home, I saw a few weird stuff—street signs wore colors that were slightly changed from what are the actual ones, the shops seemed to have shifted locations by a few metres, and even the overall atmosphere was different. It was like I was walking around my neighborhood and everything was a little different.
These moments force you to ask yourself if reality is truly as stable as we generally believe it to be. Have you ever felt like things did actually change – maybe just a little? possibly, you have been through quite unusual coincidences, or you might have had a so colorful a dream that sounded like a view into the other world. Ive watched a few like "The Cloverifeld Paradox" and the likes. But Ive never thought too much of it.
Has this ever actually happened to someone else ....... or someone drugged my beer
We only know of our universe what we can observe. I do believe their could be multiple universes but I don't think they would be similar. It seems infeasible that everything that leads up to the formation of our universe and galaxy and solar system and planet and life on earth and societal formation would be exactly the same only slightly different.
Unless it is all a simulation. In which case you could have infinite versions of the simulation running at the same time to encompass every possible outcome for every atom.
Have you watched Dark Matter on Apple TV. You might find it interesting.
I feel like I shift realities through many universes on a regular basis. I am not sure how to express it with words. I definitely think there is a lot more going on then most believe.
It's silly for humans to try to understand these things in our human minds. We are arrogant to think we know much of anything at all.