A few days ago, I worked for a car mechanic company. They wanted to take some photos to advertise their new scanner service. For this photo shoot, they even hired a model, so he doesn't have the "typical" appearance of a car mechanic. This way, the photos could have a more aesthetic and professional look.
The idea was to create a narrative where the mechanic is seen arriving to check the car.
Calling a friend to verify the information:
Checking all the codes and results on the scanner:
Job completed, leaving the car:
Obviously, I took many more photos, but here I'm only sharing those that fit the visual narrative I wanted to create in the post.
In the end, the client, the model, and I were all super happy with the results. I hope you liked them as much as we did!
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Everyday life photos are the way! Better than a carefully crafted Instagram feed IMO :)
i'll post more of these really soon!
His hands are so clean...