Different countries have asked the international criminal court to arrest Nicolás Maduro and his associates.
https://m.stacker.news/50473 Arrest warrant against Maduro and other leaders of the Venezuelan regime: exhortation to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court
Given the worsening of the situation in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela since July 28 and the commission of new acts that may be considered crimes against humanity, the Argentine Republic urges the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to request the Pre-Trial Chamber to issue arrest warrants against Nicolás Maduro and other leaders of the regime.
As indicated in the note from the Argentine Government that will be presented to the Prosecutor's Office next Monday, the evidence gathered in the course of the investigations carried out by the Prosecutor's Office of the International Criminal Court ("Situation in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela I") and the events that occurred after the presidential elections of July 28 are sufficient elements to consider the merit of issuing the aforementioned arrest warrants.
It is recalled that on July 19, the Argentine Republic rejoined the referral on the situation in the Bolivarian Republic made in 2018, from which it had withdrawn in 2021. • Uruguay joins the request to the International Criminal Court to investigate possible crimes against humanity in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela https://m.stacker.news/50476 https://www.gub.uy/ministerio-relaciones-exteriores/comunicacion/comunicados/uruguay-se-incorpora-solicitud-ante-cpi-investigar-posibles-crimenes-lesa • The intervention of the International Criminal Court and the arrest of Nicolás Maduro and Diosdado Cabello, as well as the entire chain of command for the commission of Crimes Against Humanity, have been urgently requested. The request is made by 30 former presidents of Latin America and Spain, in The Hague, through a document that shows that the Venezuelan State is a military and repressive State that carries out State Terrorism.
• Former Colombian President Andrés Pastrana, representing 31 former presidents, has denounced before the International Criminal Court and its prosecutor's office the violation of Human Rights by the Nicolás Maduro regime, extending to members of the Venezuelan army who are the support of the Venezuelan dictatorship. https://m.stacker.news/50479
https://m.stacker.news/50480 • Karim Khan with Nicolás Maduro (2021) https://m.stacker.news/50481 Washington Post on Khan's conflict of interest: The court is facing growing criticism for what some believe is an inappropriately close relationship with the government. Even as Khan probes Maduro, he has established an office in Caracas to help the government improve its own investigating capabilities. Some critics see what they believe to be a more concerning conflict of interest. Khan’s sister-in-law, the international criminal lawyer Venkateswari Alagendra, has joined the team defending the Venezuelan government before the ICC. When Alagendra appeared in court for the team in November, she said, no one objected to her role. The team filed a legal appeal of the investigation, she said; Khan “opposed it very strenuously” and “unfortunately, we lost.” “The composition of the legal team representing Venezuela in the proceedings in which the Office successfully defended its right to assert jurisdiction in this situation is a matter of public record,” Khan’s office said in a statement. “We understand that no objection was raised by any party to the proceedings at the time.” A code of conduct for the office of the prosecutor directs members to abstain from any conflicts that may arise from “personal interest in the case, including a spousal, parental or other close family, personal or professional relationship with any of the parties.” Khan’s office said he is “closely monitoring” developments in Venezuela and is “independently and impartially” analyzing alleged crimes.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/09/06/maduro-survives-election-opposition-options/ • Nobody wants to use violence as the solution to the conflict in Venezuela, but if Venezuela continues like this, everything will be just statements and nothing more, as has happened for the last 25 years, there are conflicts of interest everywhere. It hurts me, Venezuelans have fought incessantly against the narco-dictatorial regime and it has only resulted in thousands of lost lives, without justice and without any progress towards freedom. The other governments are not interested or have interests involved and the opposition leaders are the same, they have only been a circus and a good-for-nothing burden (I will make a publication with details about this). Is there any hope of getting out of this situation? I don't know. Why haven't they used violence to end this once and for all? I don't know either.
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Thanks for the news ! Thankyou a lot for keeping us up to date with the news. I appreciate your work
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