Ufologist and film-maker Mark Christopher Lee praises President Trump for his recent interview where he stated he would release further UFO videos. Lee adds:
“I’m pretty sure that since RFK JR backed Trump’s Presidential campaign he has been putting pressure on the former President to release the truth about UFOs to the American public. There is a theory that his Uncle JFK (John Kennedy) was assassinated due to his knowledge of the Deep State involvement in the UFO cover up.
“Some also suggest that JKF also divulged these secrets to his lover film-star Marilyn Monroe and that she was also killed to keep it secret. Monroe was due to give a press conference just a few days after her death,” says Lee.
“I believe that RFK JR knows these links. He began his presidential campaign talking about UFO disclosure but then he suddenly stopped talking about it as if he was warned off, maybe now that he has joined forces with Trump he feels confident to push his attacks on the Deep State cover up.”
Also adding to the risk of further assassination attempts is the RFK JR’s secret service protection which he had to fight hard to get whilst a candidate has now been revoked.
LEE’s new film The King Of UFOs is out on Tubi and coming to Amazon Prime and looks at the British Royal interest in UFOs and asks what King Charles can do as head of state and head of the Church of England to prepare his people for UFO disclosure and the massive impact that this would have on society.
Its coming up maybe sooner than we think!