This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Done an entire apartment move on short notice this morning. The new serviced apartment has an intermittent, terrible internet connection. Send help.
Just stack, don't be wack Defend, don't attack Live your life, lead the pack Brush your teeth, prevent plaque
I am refining a concept document for browser based game built on bitcoin supported by lightning with ingame economy and from player to player payed in sats.
Hey there, I'm the developer behind, lightning games on browser. Would be cool to chat more and see what your building.
Make an in-game chat function please, I love to trash talk.
Thats funny, the prototype for this game I have forked from a chat project and the chat function was indeed the first feature.
Sweet, next most important thing would be to make the games fun. High interactivity between players is a must. Not sure if you are designing the games from the ground up, or working off other games, but let me know and I'll give feedback!
i ve to rebuild my full node on raspberry. After an update all my rasp crashed...
I've started to use Robosats. Extremely cool, check it out.
How are you finding the selection of payment methods?
Revolut works well enough for me, I haven't tried any other options.
Asked how it would be possible for a government to ban mining. Reading about this and the conflicting opinions I came here to see if anything was said about it
If they wanted to (not saying they do/don’t, just putting out a hypothetical):
  • publicly traded mining companies would have to stop of have people go to jail
  • they’d say “mining is illegal. If you get caught its a fine or jailtime” and then either rely ln neighbors snitching or catching you on tips or when something else happens. The police get s call for a noise complaint, show up, find your asics and weite you a ticket or take you to jail
Well, they can do things like change a law or, depending on the jurisdiction, simply show up and seize the hardware / arrest the operators.
But there's really little that can be done at a technical level to stop bitcoin mining from occurring. They can block traffic to mining pools, but VPNs hide that. They can investigate sites that are using significantly higher amounts of electricity than is typical, but they will find that type of enforcement to be very costly. Large commercial miners would be eliminated, but the individuals with a rig or two likely would never be found. Off-grid power (e.g, mini-hydroelectric, solar+batter, etc.) would also be never found.
China, for example, is estimated to still have about 20% of the global hashrate, even though mining was banned there over a year ago.
The improvements in Stratum V2 protocol can help miners with privacy as well:
My opinion is, a ban on mining in the US will make Bitcoin even stronger. Why? Have a look at China banning it last year. The FUD was always like "the majority of hashrate is in China" so China can censor the txs. Now it isn't the case at all = stronger Bitcoin.
The US banning Bitcoin mining would do the same, make the hashrate to spread across the globe even more = stronger Bitcoin.
All the governments around the world (next to impossible) banning Bitcoin mining would completely dismantle all mining companies and the mining machines (ASICs) would go back to millions of users, making Bitcoin decentralised as never before = stronger Bitcoin.
Bitcoin isn't going to lose because of some politicians. They can only push it to make Bitcoin more resilient.
Anyway, I don't think the US is going to push that hard. Not now, not this year. They will just talk and realise they can only damage their own (fiat) economy.
What is incredible to watch is that after a mere decade, Bitcoin grown to a size that even the mighty White House can't ignore it any more. This fact alone, makes me to look forward another decade. It's gonna be epic!
Working on a bulk cards/bookmarks creation feature for 🙂
Some progress has been made:
Would love to hear your thoughts!
Have a great Bitcoin Friday!
ngl I thought this was a 3d printed gun at first
now that I look at it, it kind of looks like one 😅
Neat! Would be cool to have a little design store. Like, if someone makes a cool bookmark they can post it and I can buy it for 100 sats or something and print it out. Nice way to encourage people to share cool designs.
Thanks for the suggestion! Added to my TODO list 😉