United States’ $500 million semiconductor fund

The initiative falls under US International Technology Security and Innovation (ITSI) fund, established by the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) Act of 2022.

The deal with India

The US Department of State has announced a collaboration with India’s Semiconductor Mission, under the Union Electronics and IT Ministry, to explore opportunities for expanding and diversifying the global semiconductor ecosystem. The partnership aims to create a more resilient, secure, and sustainable semiconductor value chain worldwide.

Largest producers of Semiconductors

Thanks for adding up to the post. Now I can see it more clearly that Taiwan is the semiconductor manufacturing unit of US. They can't let it go now.
Aren't Semiconductors a big reason US supports Taiwan with Taiwan producing more than 50% total production worldwide?
I thought China was the devil. But it seems you're right! After having a little look on it, I found that only one Taiwan company produces more than 50% of semiconductors. In this world where semiconductors are required almost in everything now, the impact they can have can't be denied.