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As freedom-minded individualists, we tend to avoid organization and promotion. We also tend to be character trait "disagreeable" generally. This is a more masculine tendency to not really care what other people think, and do our own thing. "Toxic", if you prefer. But many people's software runs on consensus, or perceived consensus. They really crave social acceptance.
The enemies of freedom are distracted, they are back on their heels trying to navigate all their special interests with big elections coming up. They overplayed their totalitarian hand and are losing numbers.
The enemies of freedom rely heavily on promotion, and manufactured consensus. They have no shame in misdirecting, manipulating language, outright lying. I would never recommend this and our morals would probably not allow it. But they are also extremely wiling to pay for eyeballs through advertising. And that is simply a necessary strategy in our current moment.
Here is my humble suggestion, and I really welcome any other thoughts or strategies:
Alongside every piece of propaganda needs to be a very simple and non-confrontational message. We piggyback off their advertising and promotion dollars. The audience is weak-minded and sensitive people. Imagine you are talking to a child. The language will vary but can NOT be aggressive or harsh. Many of these people have issues with abuse and if they see a knife across the room they feel cut by it. (You can sum up much of the 2A debate, covid, etc. as simple pants-shitting fear). No judgment. I do not judge weak people, I feel bad and try to help them.
The message is as follows: "I am a member of your tribe and actually their isn't consensus on this issue. I am concerned this publication is acting against the interest of our tribe and toward their own financial interest".
Some other tactics, what cops would call "verbal jujitsu"
  1. "This seems so oppressive to (poor, minority, lgbtq, etc)
  2. "Educated people would never..." "Polite people would never..." "Anyone with an academic background would never..."
  3. "As a minority/lgbtq/woman/disabled person myself...I don't appreciate when people speak for me"
  4. "As a scientist/expert in the field..."
  5. "Is this publication qualified to make this judgment? They received a lot of advertising money..."
TLDR: The enemies of freedom are so far up their own ass they don't know what they believe anymore. It is a perfect time to turn their own propaganda against them. Cognitive dissonance and lack of consensus is the only goal. Don't try to change minds, just change the conversation.
Open a twitter account, a nextdoor account, a facebook account. Post sincerely, Resist the temptation to troll. Try to rescue people from their ideological prison. Its very sad, after all.
Thanks for reading.
Lmao, go out and touch some grass
which part bothered his excellency the most
It reads like you're getting a little too riled up here. Sit back and chill a little my guy.
I also think you could be a little more accepting and have more empathy of people with different opinions. Terms like "The enemies of freedom" or "ideological prison" are actually insane.
I do like your approach of writing calm, direct and simple instead of toxic argueing tho. I agree that this is the approach that reaches the most people and is the most convincing.
I appreciate the reply. I am extremely relaxed and sorry if I don't communicate that properly.
I would sincerely like to hear more about why you think those expressions are insane. Perhaps you think that I am somehow applying them unilaterally when in reality I am speaking very specifically.
"enemies of freedom" - those who spend money and time on an agenda that restricts human freedom. "ideological prison" - someone under the influence of harmful thought patterns, potentially a result of abuse or manipulation
Where is the insanity there? I'm sure you believe in those concepts. It is up to us to define our positions on those concepts, not to dismiss them entirely as "insane". That dismissal could actually be seen as a form of abuse (although I frankly don't give a shit)
Also I am accepting and empathetic to a fault, and extremely so by todays standards, so that line of criticism does not resonate with me.
Appreciate you reading regardless.