I have the feeling that most of Bitcoin influencers in Twitter are getting old and boring.
Most of their latest tweets for months are basically things they said months ago... "Bitcoin doesn't close on Sundays, banks do", "will bitcoin hit 25K in 2022?", "Don't sell your bitcoins to the whales".... Of course everyone is free to tweet whatever they want but twetting for the shake of gaining followers... not sure if it is helping bitcoin at all.
I see lack of interest in new things like lightning network and adopting new initiatives like earning sats.
Sounds a bit the only thing they do is waiting for Bitcoin new highs instead of being active in Bitcoin.
Thank God we have stacker news community ;-)
I agree. Definitely need some fresh faces and Influencers that just spew 'bitcoin is the best' even though they know the shit they spew to attempt to back up that point are false.
Jajajajajajaja agree funny comment
Twitter is good for following devs / projects.
Bitcoin "influencers" are pretty uninteresting. They often manufacture drama for engagement because they have little else to offer. This trending debate on "toxic maximalism" being the most recent example. So boring.
Absolutely agree 100%
Couldn't agree more. Alot of people in here saying that following developers is the way to go, but that doesn't help normies who aren't technical. Sometimes following companies you use and who put out good content can be more beneficial to stay up-to-date.
Thank you veryuch for your comment 100%
Scroll through Bitcoin's contributor list or your favorite Lightning implementation on Github. Find some devs to follow and keep in touch with Bitcoin's technical side. That's where I find my fun.
Thaaaaank you very m7nh, excellent advice
Step 1: Unfollow all that even resemble "influencers" of any kind. Step 2: Turn Notifications on for all tweets from your favorite follows. Step 3: Enjoy your free time.
Bitcoin Twitter is as much boring or fun as you make it.
Don't follow influencers, aim for Bitcoin (toxic) Maxis with 10k followers max. I usually follow everyone, claiming to be Bitcoin Maxi. The fights with clueless Ethards and other shitcoiners are much more fun than seeing a chart or some silly reused tweet.
Jajajaja wxcellwnt advice i will do so
Damus and Stacker News to the rescue