This wallet has been recently released, it's worth to give it a try!
Dana is a Flutter app built on rust, with the main focus on receiving occasional payments. Dana wallet is designed primarily for casual users that sparsely receive payments, for accepting bitcoin donations. It uses silent payments1, a new static payment's protocol, to receive donations while preserving on-chain privacy. What does it mean is that it provide a unique reusable address that allow to be indiscreetly shared meanwhile maintaining a high level of privacy. The user can only be paid using the silent payment protocol, and the wallet don't support any other address types.
This is an opportunity for me to also test Signet and silent payments. The wallet is set up, also imported to Sparrow to double-check and have more details. However, on the first opening of the app, it's possible to select the preferred network to use.
I run a quick test on Signet and that's how it looks:
The interface is spotless, user-friendliness and simplicity over completeness, using the default Material Design Ui build in on Flutter framework. Not sure about the selection of the pink color for decoration 🤔 Anyhow, UX is really simple, and it allows to better understand the benefits of silent payments with functionalities like selecting the wallet birthdate to avoid scanning the whole blockchain for transactions.
Looking for Signet faucet? here are those that I found:
From the home screen it's possible to receive only via silent payments, the same address is always available, just tapping on Receive.
This wallet can become a good choice as a non-bitcoin user's first wallet! Anyone want to play with silent payments?


  1. Silent Payment's protocol website ↩
Made a mistake, the faucet for silent payments is