It is credulous to believe in quotations such as "fix the money, fix the world" and stick in mere economic delusions by mentioning "Austrian Prophets" and their slogans on Liberty. There are some incentives that cost more than money for evils; from eugenics to ecocide.
Bayer-Monsanto is an evil trust with demonic futuristic plans. Monoplolization of farming is the best method to perish liberty and capture the soul of nature and life.
Surely it's necessary to hold Bitcoin but it's more vital to save seeds.
agree. bitcoin is a good technology to escape hegemonic control over money and forced inflation, but it's definitely not the sword of king arthur or the arc of the covenant, there's quite some religious overheat going on sometimes. It solves some pointed issues. It doesn't single-handedly save the world. Absolutely, the drive to monopolization - in all industries - is a destructive force. Commodification of the natural world, the hoarding of everything under patents, is a way "property rights" are being given in a drive to allow monopolistic corporations to accumulate and monopolize control over basic resources and to criminalize economic action indepent of corporate control.
Dear SwearyDoctor Most of the Bitcoiners just put the finger on central banks & financial system and blame them, but I think there are many incentives bigger than profit. Most of these incentives have theological roots, they are not logical or rational ideas.
Surely it's necessary to hold Bitcoin but it's more vital to save seeds.
Of course, not fiat seeds.
All money is ultimately an abstraction.
Do agree with you