Keep the women out of #bitcoin to save society!!
Oh believe me, I know, a lot of you agree with this. But someone needs to say it; this. is. bullshit.
And make no mistake, there are men who are very deliberately trying to keep us out due to these beliefs. Some of you know it, because it's you. Some of you are too good of men to believe it, but be aware it's a very real thing.
What a disgusting clip! That misogynist twerp is a real problem for Bitcoin’s image, and it’s really rather gross so many bitcoiners fawn over him.
He always struck me as a tool, and so I wondered what possible qualification he has to justify so much airtime. That clip should be enough to put my mind at ease, though: he is too nasty and harbors too much hate for me to care.
Thanks for sharing your truth, and sorry you have to deal with this.
132 sats \ 1 reply \ @teemupleb 14h
In that clip, he didn’t say anything about keeping women out of Bitcoin.
He suggested that universal suffrage and women being in leadership positions is bad for society.
I’ve been wondering lately whether there’s any correlation between the rising authoritarianism and socialism in the liberal West and there being more women in leadership positions, or is it just a coincidence.
Remarkable coincidence. Or not.
people forget, that like a gun, bitcoin can be used by those we like, and those we don't. it's a tool that can be used by all and it's not linked to gender or ideology
Bitcoin's incentives are the same for everyone and you get the price you deserve, people are going to have opinions, nothing we can do about that, everyone makes up their own mind and deals with the consequences of it
The fact that most women are voting for Kamala is troubling and predictable