The Fed's interest rate cut yesterday should have made it clear to everyone that central banks are in a race to the bottom and are deliberately devaluing their currencies. The splitting up of the energy markets thanks to the rise of the BRICs and the associated targeted devaluation of the Chinese yuan is exerting immense pressure on the dollar. The interest rate cuts we will see in the coming months should set a possible commodity super cycle in motion and we will reap the harvest of extremely high inflation a little later!
The cut already has BTC going up!
It’s bizarre that it didn’t go up before. I think most predictions were for 50 bp. But I guess future rate cuts might be getting priced in.
Japan might raise rates again tonight so be prepared for a dump
Just to mix things up a bit:
deflationary impact of technology > commodity supercycle
Any takers?
Credit deflation and com inflation
47 sats \ 0 replies \ @Bishop 9h
From a (very) alternate timeline:
"The Federal Reserve has decided to maintain the current target interest rate at its current level. The primary reason is an ongoing concern at the federal's government's apparent complacency with regards to the burgeoning national debt. The Federal Reserve will be more willing to reduce rates when it sees concerted actions from the federal government to address this matter."
Does it have to do with brics? A super cycle will happen?
20 sats \ 2 replies \ @TomK OP 10h
They're forming this bloc also to gain pricing power. This will bite fiat economies
That is all economies. But isnt it going to ruin the US in the process?
It will ruin a part of the middle class. But that is something without any importance in the new feudal system we are pushed into
Soon they will choose the orange pill