Do we choose Bitcoin, or a CBDC? One will control - one will make free Bitcoin works through value and wealth A CBDC works by cunning and stealth
Bitcoin is open - for everyone The first and best - can’t be outdone A CBDC is permission based Your every action known and traced
Bitcoin is widely decentralized Stable code - we won’t be surprised A CBDC is CENTRAL by name And code will change to suit their game
Bitcoin’s NOT able to discriminate Freeze your funds - or control your fate Yet all these can happen with a CBDC And likely will, just wait and see
Which one has the money that’s sound? Bitcoin’s issuance is known and bound While a CBDC has no limit at all With inflation causing the value to fall
So which do you really think is best? Do your research, then mentally test Which is controlling and which is free When choosing Bitcoin, or a CBDC?
Bitcoin is freedom for everyone.
Nice work.
Freedom is everything.
Of course we want the freedom.