Transporters murdered for s/7 soles in North Lima. Leaders claim to live in a current "Urban Terrorism".
For several years, criminal gangs have been extorting transporters, demanding that they pay a fee to allow them to work, but in recent days these extortionists have carried out violent acts against bus drivers from different transport lines, from murders to leaving a bomb in one of the offices of the transport companies.
Since Monday of this week, drivers have called for a transport strike, only a few companies stopped working, on Tuesday a couple more companies joined, on Wednesday some worked normally and today, Thursday, there is a complete transport strike, no bus line is working. The largest number of incidents has occurred in the north of Lima, where the situation is more complicated and where most of the extortionists are. • "We have never gone on strike for our lives, a life that is worth 7 soles." Where are the congressmen? Where is the minister of the interior? This is urban terrorism, they extort canteens, transporters, restaurants."
• "ANITRA denounces that the PNP is collaborating with transporters' extortionists
They warn that drivers face both harassment from criminals and pressure from the Police, creating an unsustainable situation for the union." • "Extortionists leave explosives at a transport company in San Juan de Lurigancho. They say they were not going to comply with the strike, but in the face of this threat they will join a dozen bus lines."
March of transporters heads along the Panamericana Norte towards Congress
• 7:00am There are no buses at the bus stops on the Panamericana Sur at this time. The strike is being observed in southern Lima.
Panamericana Norte and Comas. People travel like packages
Users of Line One of the Lima Metro line up in the middle of the track, between cars, because the station has collapsed due to the increase in demand due to the lack of buses. This is in the Villa Maria del Triunfo district.
Images of the strike called by groups of transporters in Metropolitan Lima and Callao.
"Transport unions are complying with the strike and closing part of the Panamericana Norte in the area of ​​the first highway. The protesters were asking the vehicles that are operating to unload the passengers. The police are protecting the demonstration."
Faced with the wave of insecurity affecting our country, the micro and small business owners of the Gamarra commercial empire are addressing the public to inform the following:
  1. We express our solidarity with the transporters and all Peruvian entrepreneurs who have been victims of extortion and contract killings.
  2. A year ago, business owners from Gamarra marched demanding that the government implement effective measures to fight the mafias and organized crime. And although many declarations and announcements have been made, real comprehensive public policies have not yet been adopted and insecurity has become the main problem for Peruvians.
  3. It is important to note that in the climate of insecurity in which we live, the development and reactivation of any economic activity is impossible. This situation has shown that there is no clear strategy on the part of our authorities and has put all sectors - especially entrepreneurs - in this dangerous situation in the face of crime.
  4. For this reason, we urge the President of the Republic to assume the leadership and the task that corresponds to her to impose legality and eradicate crime as established by the Constitution. It is her duty to guarantee the security of all Peruvians and for this we request the presentation of a realistic action plan against the delinquency and organized crime that plagues our country.
  5. We urge the Congress of the Republic to legislate without political calculation and putting the interests of Peruvians first. To do so, they must legislate on matters of citizen security in order to guarantee social peace in the country, considering contract killing, extortion, criminal organization and illegal possession of weapons as terrorism, with severe penalties to prevent the spread of this scourge.
The current times require effective measures and a firm hand to give to the citizenship a safe and orderly country where we can walk alongside our children without fear. From Gamarra, the 40 thousand entrepreneurs will continue to contribute with effort and entrepreneurship to build a better Peru for future generations.
Today we wake up to this photo that is challenging for everyone, the criminals feel empowered, they know that nothing will happen to them.
Words from a person in X who really doesn't make mistakes: "Peru is taken over by crime and this shitty Government and Congress do nothing.
You go to the grocery store: extorted. You go to the cafeteria: extorted. You go by motorcycle taxi: extorted. You go to the bus: extorted and shot. You go to the bus: extorted and murdered. You go to work: extorted. They rob you, you report it, at the time the thief finds out -magically- about your report and threatens you. They steal your cell phone, it has the GPS activated, you know where it is, you ask for help and they ask you for gasoline or they simply cannot go to the place. You have a business: they extort you. You are a transporter, you go on strike and ask for security: They gas you."
Certainly the current situation in Peru at the transportation level has become complicated, delinquency and crime have taken over, while the government turns a blind eye.