To Review Part 2 (#701406)
Scoring rubric is as follows: 5 - This law promoted 360 degrees of freedom. Bitcoiners around the world would champion this 4 3 2 1 - This bill is something straight out the communist/socialist playbook very anti freedom. Leads to forever wars endless spending and bad wellbeing for the american people
Now a look at the third bill that became law. Public Law No: 111-91 (11/06/2009)

H.R.1209 - Medal of Honor Commemorative Coin Act of 2009 (111th Congress (2009-2010))

The Bill in Summary:

Medal of Honor Commemorative Coin Act of 2009 - Directs the Secretary of the Treasury to mint and issue 1 silver coins emblematic of the design selected by the Secretary, after consultation with the Boards of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society and the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation, in honor of the distinguished service of the American military men and women who have been Medal of Honor recipients.
Limits the period for coin issuance to calendar year 2011.
Imposes a surcharge of 5 coin and 1 coin, to be distributed to the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation to help finance educational, scholarship, and outreach programs of the Foundation.
Prohibits a surcharge with respect to the issuance under this Act of any coin during a calendar year if, at the time of issuance, it would result in more than the statutory maximum of two commemorative coin programs per year.

The Score (2/5)

Once again another coin bill highlighting war. While these men or women may have done great things in the battle of war to keep America free, I think the government can find other ways to honor them rather than using economic units like gold and silver coins.
While most Americans will never seek or see these coins in their lifetime one must ask why does Congress spend so much time passing these bills? Who is benefiting from this? The coin minters? The gold and silver miners? The US mint?
The tax payer is footing this bill so some contractor can profit making and selling these coins. I would have more respect of a bill like this if the coins were minted for those families who lost a loved one or were awarded the medal and the coin was part of award. But using tax payer funds to mint coins to honor war heroes smells like the bidding of neo-cons who love forever wars.
Just like Part 2 I am keeping from scoring this a one because they aren't doing this on paper money.

Total Score (7/15)

After three bills Sen. Lummis has 7 points out of a total 15. That is good for 46.6% freedom score.
This is a rough start for Sen. Lummis. Since she was a new on capitol hill maybe she had to make nice with her neo-con Republican buddies and be a part of these coin bills. Something light and easy as she builds political power and sway as she starts her career.
But from a bitcoiners perspective using tax payer dollars to honor war via coins is dumb. My whole life as an American I never once heard some one say " Yeah I wish my Senator (or Rep.) would pump out some coin bills because we just have to keep honoring those who killed others in war"
So far Bitcoin's culture leans anti-war. The fact it is trying to end central banking which funds this perpetual state of war is proof that bitcoin is trying to achieve peace or if a country does go to war it will be very expensive and cost that nation a great deal of an asset that can never be created out of thin air.
Bitcoin in 2024 is all about peace and well-being. As Sen. Lummis keeps passing these coin bills the more and more I will start to think she is just a Neo-Con but the soft type by doing stuff like this.
i like this series, keep it up!
Seems like the tax payers always support the folly.