0.0 Intro
Compared with other attachments available her in SN, I can tell, this one is one of the easier one for newbies. The only cons, if you are planning to join Blink wallet, is that requires light KYC to access the APIs, basically a valid phone number to receive SMS notifications to access and operate it. For those that already have signed up, here blow the...
1.0 Requirements
- 1 Blink.sv verified account
- 1 Stacker News account
That's it! Too easy!
2.0 Create Blink API key
Firstly, let's access dashboard.blink.sv and get your API key. More documentation about Blink APIs can be found on dev.blink.sv.
As mentioned above, you'll need a phone-verified account to be able to sign up here. You can sign in also using email if you have verified one after verifying your phone number.

Once inside, go to API keys in the left sidebar and click the big blue [+] in the top right of the screen.

Give the API key a name and click the [Create] button:

Make sure you copy the first input starting with 
before closing the popup, as it will be not available again, and you'll need to restart the process if you miss it:

3.0 Attach Blink to SN
Now that you have the API key in your clipboard, go to 

SN > wallet > attach > Blink
or just click this shortcut link stacker.news/settings/wallets/blink and paste it there:

Optionally, you can set which Blink account balance you want your sats detracted from, defining the wallet type as
or USD
if you prefer to use your stablesats1.Then click the big yellow [attach] button, and...
4.0 Congratulations, stacker!
You just did it! Your sats now should be landing straight to SN, directly from your Blink wallet.
Happy zapping!

Stablesats enables Lightning users to hold, send and receive dollars without the use of stablecoins or fiat integration. It aims to solve one of the biggest problems for people living on bitcoin: short-term exchange rate volatility. You can learn more on stablesats.com. ↩