Chiron is a minor asteroid that was named in 1977. Since that time, it has been more often ignored than not. It turns, out, however, to be a highly important piece to understand in a natal chart. If the rest of the chart is like a pane of glass, Chiron is where that pane is broken. It is the wound that refuses to heal, consistent with the mythology of the centaur. A better way of understanding it is that it is where a person must really dig into their connection with spirit and be willing to do whatever the sign symbolizes in the service of spirit without any specific kind of expectation. If the ego enters into this area instead of spiritual service, it results in a wound and then the myth of Chiron begins to cement itself into reality. Physical issues are not far behind.
In short, Chiron is where a person might want things quite badly to go their way, but instead the area refuses to do so. "You don't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you might find you get what you need" applies here.
Uhhhhhhggggggaggggaahhhh! The pain of Chiron in Pisces! Jesus understands. lol
That's a tough one. Hits in mercy and sacrifice. Gonna be harder to do it better than the Messiah.
Oh for sure did not do it better, as a matter of fact because of Him is the only way I have thus far made it through. True Story.
I never knew about that at all. How long have you been studying astrology? You could probably offer personal readings in the AGORA and make some sats. I would pay for one.
I thought about that, but I'm not sure how much to charge nowadays, or how to not have people who don't want to give their information up not do that.
I've been studying astrology and doing natal charts for about 20 years now. I've probably interpreted thousands of them at this point.
That's a good point. People are very private here. I am sure you will find plenty to share here. Keep it up. It's early.