The fiat economy stipulates that we be T-shaped professionals - having working knowledge in a wide range of disciplines while having the ability to go deep in one specialisation.
But perhaps Bitcoiners prefer to go all in on something.
Do you have a forte/niche? Are you consciously trying to get better at it? Pushing your boundaries to access that exclusive level of creativity that comes so effortlessly to masters of their craft. Applying deliberate practice to up your game?
Or are you a believer of Dilettantism and prefer to dabble with many professional deliverables and passion projects? That these different pursuits overlap with one another to create delightful sparks.
Or are you a believer of Dilettantism and prefer to dabble with many professional deliverables and passion projects? That these different pursuits overlap with one another to create delightful sparks.
I tend to dabble too much than is probably advisable (from a strictly career optimization perspective), but that's simply because I'm super curious and never bored. I get distracted by shiny new technologies, sometimes it turns out to not even be worth it.
But you know, we all gotta lead the life we wanna live, and I'd rather have a slightly worse career if that means I get to spend time chasing my curiosities
I hope the little daily puzzles are not distracting you too much from your career obligations ;)
Same to you :) I imagine it takes quite a bit of time to curate and find the puzzles, and then writing them up as well.
Yeah, I've moved this activity to my night time just before hitting the sack after i realised it had taken me an hour of normal working hours. Whatever normal working hours means in academia. I'm also contemplating moving SN to my blocked website list when I'm in the office ;)
I’m glad you’re doing this in spite of the time it takes up. I don’t understand the solutions but it’s fascinating to watch brilliant minds at work
Have you had moments where where your eclectic interests just align out of nowhere to create something beautiful for you?
Yes, Bitcoin! Perfectly aligns with my intersecting interests of economics, computer science, math, physics, and even libertarian philosophy
Me too
I'm a devotee of the 80-20 principle. I pursue what interests me, but not generally to the level of mastery. I'd rather be 80% proficient at five things than fully mastering one.
I’m with you on this one. And recently I have been binge-watching the Culinary Class Wars and gaping in admiration at the talented chefs who lend their signature touch to the wildly creative dishes they make. They make me feel wanna invest more of myself into my work. I mean, I’m not quiet quitting, but I’m not actively seeking ways to stretch myself either haha
In economics this is called the Pareto rule. 80% of the work accomplished comes from 20% of the workers. The secret is to then whittle down the other 80% as the deadwood they are. Musk used this idea at when he took over. He first looked for volunteers to leave then fired whomever he thought was not in the 20%. If you have ever been a salesman, you may have experienced this when they fire the bottom 20% of the salesforce every year. This sounds harsh but it helps everyone find the niche in which they fit best.
A point Doug Casey likes to make is that you can iterate on the Pareto Rule: i.e. you can get 80% of that 80% with 20% of that 20%.
In other words, you can accomplish 64% as much with only 4% of the effort.
Yes, Casey often makes that point in regards to stock choices. You can also say that it applies a lot to commodity markets in respect to when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em.
48 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 9 Oct
What’s interesting is my investing approach is very concentrated. When I had my business almost all my wealth was tied to the business. Now most of my non home equity wealth is in bitcoin.
But in terms of skills. I prefer to go wide than deep. I like to be good at a number of things rather than an expert at one. Although I think the market rewards deep knowledge more now.
Thanks for sharing how your investing behaviour differs from your skills acquisition behaviour. Humans are creatures of habit, but we are also adaptable to fine-tune our behaviours
I'm all in on freedom!!
Which means I'm pretty heavily into almost everything else too, there is no end to the tools, strategies and skills that is necessary in that fight ;-)
That explains your nym xP
24 sats \ 1 reply \ @Satosora 9 Oct
Since l have a 401k at work, l am thinking of doing the bitcoin etfs. I know l wont be holding my own keys, that that is the only way l can access them through my 401k. Anyone else know different?
If I’m not mistaken, Swan buys Bitcoin for its clients through its 401k options