I know I am an English teacher, but my Mandarin is just as, if not more, proficient. I am used to explaining Chinese idioms and proverbs and vocabulary words to my hapless friends and colleagues.
My son outshone me today though. He shared what he had learnt in school. "亻is 单人旁 and 彳 is 双人旁,” he said enthusiastically. My jaw dropped.
Oh my goodness, what are they teaching kindergarten kids these days?! And how did I live so long without knowing the names of these radicals?
Cheers to the younger generation trouncing their elders! 长江后浪推前浪! (cháng jiāng hòu làng tuī qián làng; literal translation: the rear waves of the Yangtze River pushes forward the frontal waves) 🌊
When was the last thing your child taught you something new?
Nice, your son can teach you fluid dynamics.
Impressive! What stimulated his interest in this subject?
He is joking :P , it's a pun on the expression "the rear waves of the Yangtze River pushes forward the frontal waves"
My son is constantly reminding me to stay in the moment. He is really great at remaining present.
I hope he doesn’t lose this groundedness of spirit n continues to be your inspiration
35 sats \ 2 replies \ @nym 15 Oct
Same. Life can be cruel sometimes.
Life is tough, but so are you.
I know it sounds cheesy, but I came across it during a low period in my life and never forgot it
Thank you sensei for bringing to us another beautiful piece of your language, it's always delightful. And thank you for your generosity as always :)
Cheers to the younger generation trouncing their elders!
Amen to that.
the rear waves of the Yangtze River pushes forward the frontal waves
Loved it.
What's the meaning on radicals your son brought to you??
No particular meaning. He taught me the names of the radicals. But knowing these will make me more informed and ready to teach my daughter in the future haha
Can you think of an expression, in the form of a saying, that uses uncommon radicals?
Let me think about it n get back to you