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I'm writing this before I have even thought it through myself really, so it will be short & more of a question...
Bitcoin is transparent, but so is reality itself, at least from a standpoint of someone who can see it all.
I'm thinking of what the term karma covers, but also the fact that truth will always find a way. These are related, and in all traditions should cover these things, in different ways.
On an absolute level everything is seen, as an open matrix. So, what if Bitcoin kinda "hypercharges" this?
What if Bitcoin makes these connections and events have an even larger impact, forms an even tighter bond between those who transact?
If so, would not every single transaction be very important to think through?
In my own case I'm pretty certain that I've never used Bitcoin for anything nefarious, especially since I've never paid any taxes related to it, neither will I unless I find a sane, safe harbour for this body in the near future.
Getting zaps on Nostr that I then matched in buying dog food for street dogs here is a good example, I just didn't know what to do with the sats, so that became the project with that profile for quite a while.
Still got some of that left, so if we get a real hike in fiat price there will be some hauling of cans to get done! ;-) Will post pictures of course.
What do you think?
Every energy exchange is important.
I believe you are on to something.
I might change my nym to Bitcoin Mystic hahaha
I am having a hard time deciding how I want to describe myself here. That might be a great idea.
Grab it if you want, I've got other options hehehe
Great to see others who get it ;-)
I like Bitcoin Mystic! Go for it!
One of the main reasons that I'm going with Nomad Rebel is that I need to move around a bit regardless of what happens with Bitcoin, and both here & wherever I go I'll have to be very pragmatical about how I stay alive.
So I'll have to deal with cash, fiat accounts, gold coins and whatever. Mix in visas, medical freedom, making a living producing content online and so on, it then becomes very important to see even Bitcoin as a tool among many, although it might be in a totally different category and even perfect...
So at least for now it will be up for grabs here :-)